At TechnoCorr Engineering Pvt. Ltd., we are committed to providing specific and comprehensive Cathodic Protection services in India for you.
Our expert team takes care of Design, Engineering, Erection, Commissioning, Monitoring & Maintenance, Technical Auditing, Troubleshooting, Research, Inspection and Consultancy services evaluating your business requirements.
We also have the expert knowledge to train young minds in Cathodic Protection and conduct training courses for the same either at TechnoCorr Cochin office or at client premises depending on specific requirements.
DA -
Direct Assessment Services
Direct assessment can be External Corrosion Direct Assessment (ECDA) or Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment (ICDA). Direct assessment is a structured process used as an alternative to pigging it is performed in four stages:
Collection and evaluation of historical data and pipeline characteristics
Indirect Inspection
Use of over the line survey techniques or internal flow and slope assessment to determine high risk areas for excavation
Direct Examination
Excavation and inspection
Assessment of defects and definition of repair and inspection plans
Our DA team is capable of carrying out surveys to determine the depth and position of the pipeline, assessment of CP system effectiveness, Coating failures, current requirement and attenuation test. The direct/indirect inspection techniques involve;
- CIPS surveys
- DCVG surveys
- Electromagnetic surveys
- CAT / ACVG surveys
- Soil resistivity surveys, Soil/Water Chemical analysis
- Bell Hole examination
External Corrosion Direct Assessment
At TechnoCorr Engineering Pvt. Ltd, we provide an extensive and complete ECDA process to ensure the lifespan of your pipelines. We’ve served many industries ranging from water authority to oil and gas industries. They use our ECDA services to ensure the safe and continuous transportation of commodities. Our experts understand the importance of early detection of Corrosion symptoms on your pipeline as it can affect the overall integrity of pipelines. Our staff is well versed in detecting early signs of Corrosion on the outer layer of pipelines as well as repair. Moreover, we pay attention to the root cause of the Corrosion problem and address it right away to have the best pipeline infrastructure. ECDA practices improve the safety of pipelines as well as reduce the impact of outer Corrosion rate.

Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment
At TechnoCorr Engineering Pvt. Ltd, we also provide an extensive and complete ICDA process to ensure the longevity of your pipelines. We’ve served many industries ranging from water authority to oil and gas industries. ICDA practices improve the safety of pipelines as well as reduce the impact of inner Corrosion rate. Our Corrosion Specialists and other talents are well-versed in identifying and rectifying internal Corrosion defects on your pipeline infrastructure. Our experts understand how vital is pipeline integrity to provide a continuous flow of commodities for the end-user. They examine the length of the pipeline, key areas of defects, formation of electrolytes and other numerous factors before treating internal Corrosion.